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Phillis Wheatley

Phillis Wheatley

Phillis WheatleyIntroduction: Beyond Survival - The Resilience and Creativity of the Enslaved We dive deep into the resilience and creativity of Black people under the oppression of slavery. It's a story not just of survival but of remarkable strength and defiance,...

The Stono Rebellion

The Stono Rebellion

The Stono RebellionIntroduction: The Complex Tapestry of Resistance in Slavery Today, we delve into the myriad forms of resistance that enslaved people employed against the brutal institution of slavery. From subtle acts of defiance to dramatic rebellions, these...

The Germantown Petition Against Slavery

The Germantown Petition Against Slavery

The Germantown Petition Against SlaveryIntroduction: Exploring Quaker Oats and Quaker Beliefs Today, we're starting with something familiar and comforting—breakfast foods, notably the iconic Quaker Oats. This introduction to our daily routines opens the door to a...

Slave Codes: Crash Course Black American History

Slave Codes: Crash Course Black American History

Slave Codes: Crash Course Black American History Introduction: The Harsh Reality of Slave Codes with Clint Smith Join Clint Smith in "Crash Course Black American History" as he unveils the grim reality of slave codes, the legal shackles that were used to restrict the...

Auto Draft

Auto Draft

Elizabeth Key: Crash Course Black American History  Introduction: Unraveling Elizabeth Key's Story with Clint Smith Join Clint Smith in "Crash Course Black American History" as we delve into the captivating and complex story of Elizabeth Key, a biracial woman who...

Exploring the Depths of Black American History

Exploring the Depths of Black American History

Exploring the Depths of Black American History with Clint SmithIntroduction: A Voyage into Black American History with Clint Smith Welcome aboard a transformative journey through time, guided by the charismatic Clint Smith in the enlightening "Crash Course Black...

A Window into a Forgotten Past

A Window into a Forgotten Past

A Window into a Forgotten PastIntroduction: A Window into a Forgotten Past with Clint Smith Welcome to a new chapter of understanding with Clint Smith's "Crash Course Black American History." Today, we embark on a journey through one of history's most tragic chapters:...